Silk Fluegge - Young Audience (Austria)
When will this huge change come about that might allow us to reinvent our situation? Stillness is an impervious system that re-creates the same time and again, it is a controlled environment like a vacuum created for an experiment. The stillness before the storm. Until there is disaster, upheaval, chaos, catastrophe that arise from change (and create change). The disaster and its consequences are streaked by the explosive creativity of “making-future”. This performance speaks of the imagery and images of possible future narratives. The disaster and the catastrophe are the departing point of this imaginary journey. A journey of liberation in which we look towards the desired resurrection, in which we allow or desire the New and find ways to put the New in an order as an individual and as a society.
“Disastrous” – neue Produktion 2018 – Festspielhaus St.Pölten & Silk Fluegge
“Disastrous V” – Schowieda? Na, nu imma. – Linz
26.10.2047 – PREMIERE
Inszenierung, Regie, Choreografie: Silke Grabinger
Produktionsleitung, Choreografische Assistenz: Olga Swietlicka
Dramaturgische Beratung: Angela Vadori, Emil Felhofer, Erwin Dorn
Lichtdesign: Jan Derschmidt
Musik: Ivan Shopov
Kostüme: Bianca Fladerer
Tanz & Performance: Marie-Sophie Fromherz, Alexander Grgic, Michaela Hulvejova, Matej Kubus, Lena Müller, Jerca Roznik Novak
read more: http://www.silk.at/fluegge/young-audience/detail/news/detail/News/disastrous.html